From Nan on 03/04/2011

One little story from Nan and Neil was of their last trip to England, one day Joyce said "Where would you like to go today?" "Bognor Regis" "BOGNOR REGIS! Whatever for?" "Because I like the name!" So off we went to Bognor Regis - as soon as we got there I understood her incredulity. So we had a lovely picnic perched on chairs on the very stony beach, and as we finished our last mouthfuls, down came the rain. Scurry around, packed everything up, and there was a market right by us so we hopped in there to shelter. What an array of clothes they had - I purchased a beautiful printed silk pleated skirt.which is much admired every time I wear it, and two blouses which I still wear, 13+ years on, at very good prices. Nan